Thursday, August 23, 2007

Shame, Shame, Know Your Name. Black Racists in New Orleans.

The following article was sourced from The Conservative Voice, written by an African-American columnist. His thoughts and analysis are fascinating.


New Orleans was killed alright, but label this death suicide, not homicide. She survived the outside attack. What she couldn't survive was the internal one.

Her own people struck the fatal blow...her own black people.

Yeah, I said it. It's about time someone did.
I know, I know, you're going to try to disarm and dismiss me with the "worst word in the English language: racism." Problem is, that tired song has done enough damage to this country. If that's the best you can do, sit down and shut up--you're hopeless.

You see, truth isn't racist, or sexist, or prejudiced in any way. It simply is. Only a fool or a liar fears the truth--those who are justifying and excusing the behavior of the blacks are both of these, with a little hypocrisy and cowardice thrown in the mix for good measure. The truth of this situation, no matter how many fits you throw, is that the rape, looting, murder, and mayhem is being committed overwhelmingly by blacks. By blacks. By blacks. Get it? By blacks who are often deliberately targeting whites. Do you think they'll be charged under Hate Crime Statutes? I don't think so...blacks raping or killing whites is justified by our Politically Castrated system.

My black brothers and sisters, where are you in this fight? Why aren't you condemning these people and calling for justice the same way I do whenever whites behave this way? Those of you who would defend this indefensible behavior are as guilty as these marauding gangs. For that, you should be ashamed of yourselves...I know I'm certainly ashamed of you.

Why do you behave this way? I know too many outstanding blacks, so it can't be some genetic tendency. These blacks have the balls to call those in their race who are doing these things wicked, and they do it in spite of their own people's terrible treatment of them. They are lovers of the truth, and have little patience for those whose behavior slanders them by association. I'm sure there are many blacks out there who are as aghast as the rest of the world at these animals in the south--but let's face it; that's not as pretty to the NEOCOMMS as their black prey. After all, if blacks start taking responsibility for their actions, who can the Hippy Press use as their perpetual victim then?

Do you have any idea how disgusted America is with you right now? We came to help, not even needing to be asked, not caring about color, creed, religion, or even if you were an American...we came, and what did we get in return? You shot at us, you blamed us, and you quickly dismissed the truth about it being your own black mayor who screwed you. After all, we know that only whites do such things, right?

Since you're going to label me as racist anyway, then I might as well state my piece. So here it is--but not only from me.

From my friend Lee Ellis: "When a local Louisiana agency would not let the Red Cross in to help the people in the shelter, when the Governor would not allow the President to come in immediately with military help to rescue people with their helicopters and personnel, when the Black Mayor refused to use the school busses to save the poor people who had no cars or transportation to leave the area which would be flooded, when this same mayor demanded that he only wanted plush Greyhound busses to be sent to him for such work and then let hundreds of school busses stay in the parking lots unused and thus flooded and destroyed, when all this arrogance and corruption murdered and tortured so many people unnecessarily, then someone must speak up to prevent another tragedy like this. To try to cover this up as you protestors are doing is only going to allow more such disasters to happen!"

It is the millions of taxpayer dollars sent to Louisiana BEFORE the disaster that could have prevented this mass suffering; the money spent afterwards is being used only to help the poor victims of this deliberate corruption and ineptness. For over 40 years, this state has been a welfare state under the aegis of the new Democrats, also known as neocomms. Let's pray that they never control the USA as they want to...

"...This combat veteran of WWII fought to give you freedom, I did not fight in vain so that some people could help those bent on creating more disasters for our people though greed, arrogance and self-serving interests...

"...Your brother believes in patriotism and God. That is a blessing. But God gave us the intelligence and free will to help people before they are hurt and to not to do this is a sin, indeed. Patriotism is also the need to protect America from the corrupters who would destroy society! Let us all try to reverse the 40 years of corruption that hurt so many people in Louisiana and let such corruption NOT spread across America!"

From my friend Darrell Colley, Jr., Universal City, TX: "My wife and I worked at the Windsor Park Mall on Sunday. Bought $150 worth of hygiene items and took them there. A lot of sadness and grief....

"...This week, San Antonio has seen two rapes in the Windsor Park Mall relief center.
Tuesday two people were murdered in a motel and their car stolen. We are hearing that the police department has reason to believe that this was done by persons from a flood relief shelter. Same for a couple of other shootings and car jackings. Now on our city streets are gang members from Louisiana. All are black. Some of Jamaican background.

Some wear berets...some wear Dr. Seuss hats. They have dreadlocks and belt buckles that signify gang membership. Local news media is not reporting any of this.A friend that works as a volunteer at Kelly USA (formerly Kelly AFB), indicates that women in that shelter are afraid because of what goes on there at night.

"I hear the commentary about how Katrina forced people into committing crimes.That is crap. For years we went to New Orleans and it was going on then...And now that evacuees are here (and out of harms way), they are doing the same gangster crap that they did in Louisiana.

"For stand up folks that have given and given and given to inherit a bunch of thugs is not a good out come. Whether the New Orleans P.D. has data bases up and running that include priors and photos is not known, but what is obvious is that the drug based gang culture of New Orleans is going to run into the San Antonio Mexican Mafia drug based culture...and there are going to be wars on our streets as the two elements attempt to control the drug traffic in South Texas. "Wondering if this same mess exists at other locations where evacuees have been situated and whether you can pull that info together to make the nation aware of what is going on.

"It does, Darrell...unfortunately. And I wouldn't put much faith in the NOPD--their own are as knee deep in the anarchy as the civilians. You've all seen the video.

Why is it that Florida had three of hurricanes and managed to behave like human beings? Do I need to remind you that there were more whites than blacks in those areas? Is that the perception you WANT to create, black America--that a largely black community shouldn't be expected to act with any type of class or decency? Why, black America, would you selfishly and brutally commit suicide like this, and drag your innocent black brethren with you? Hold

your chants of "Racist B***h!" just a little longer. My Muslim contact gets the last word. You see, he is viewing all of this from another country, and another perception. This is what the world sees when they look at us. (Oh, and he's a dark-skinned man from another somehow that makes it not racist for him to say this. I know it doesn't make sense...but then, that's Political Castration for you.)"

African Americans make up 15% of the population, yet they make up 68% of prison inmates. I have seen programs by people like Jesse Jackson and a disgusting standup comedy show by Chris Rock; they made clear what mainstream thought is among the African American community. Unfortunately, people like Bill Cosby are few and far between, and their message is usually not received kindly by people of their own community. Why is it that hip-hop and 'gangster rap' gets such mainstream approval, whereas the analog to it in 'white music', the so-called deathmetal or blackmetal is a very niche phenomenon?"

Black people in America (or for that matter any poor person in America) is still FAR better off than people of the middle classes of most countries. As an example, I'll quote the figures for the country my best friend here comes from. The 'purchasing power parity' for a person in an African country with purchasing power parity almost 30 times less than the US is $1,200, whereas it is $40,100 for Americans. This means that the AVERAGE person in the US has 33 times more buying power (purchasing power parity is normalized so this statement is true even with higher cost of goods in the US) then an average person in Benin. Furthermore, 12% of the people are living below the poverty line in the US, compared to 33% of the people in Benin."

But if my African friend can be the first position holder in one of the best engineering schools in Europe, and his sister can be a heart specialist under training while his family lives in a village, then I fail to see why black people in the US do not lift themselves up by their bootstraps! Other immigrant groups have done it in the US and elsewhere, look at the Chinese, Korean, Indian 1st and 2nd generation immigrants that are now running major corporations and are in government."

Yep, it's all white America's fault that so many of you behaved like animals. For God's sake, black America--grow up. Stop blaming others, stop the racism and demand better of your own race. I don't think we should help you anymore until you help yourself, and not just to our stores. You've destroyed the world's respect for's up to you to get it back. You should get on your knees and thank God for men such as Bob Parks, Alan Keyes, Larry Elder, Ken Hamblin...they are the great black--and white--hope. They have saved your must end your shame.

Keep the faith, bros, and in all things courage.

Blacks are Less Persecuted in America Than in Any Place in the World

David Horowitz’s Hating Whitey stands in sharp contrast to the plethora of literature that parrots academic mantras about whites being the sole source of racism. Those that crave the predictability of the politically correct will be disappointed with this honest discussion of racism.

“Are African Americans oppressed?” Horowitz asks. “If so, what would explain the desire of so many black Haitians to come to American shores? Why were so many Haitians ready, a few years before their immigration was blocked, to risk life and limb to make the illegal passage across shark infested waters? Was it their desire to be oppressed? Were they longing to be dominated by a master race?”

Although the progressive cause of “hating whitey” bemoans the legacy of slavery and racial tensions as if these problems were unique to the United States, it ignores something that is truly special about America.

Blacks are less persecuted and more prosperous in America than in any place in the world—including Africa.

Source: Daniel J. Flynn

Congressman Melvin Watt (D-NC) and his "Arrogance"

During a meeting between independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader and the Congressional Black Caucus. The CBC was trying to convince Nader to drop out of the race, due to their fear that he would siphon votes away from John Kerry. Nader of course, did not agree with the CBC. Angered by Nader's resistance, the meeting took a rather ugly turn.

Congressman Melvin Watt (D-NC) called Nader "just another arrogant white man, telling us what we can do. It's all about your ego, another ****ing arrogant white man."

Congresswoman Carolyn Kilpatrick (D-MI) cursed Nader and hurling racial slurs his way. While the press knew of this disgusting event--they chose to largely ignore it. Think they would have done so if a black man had been called a n---er during a GOP meeting?

Now, imagine if President George W. Bush, in frustration with Julian Bond, of the NAACP said he was "just another arrogant black man, telling us what we can do. It's all about your ego, another ****ing arrogant black man."

How would Bush be torn apart in the media if he or any other white man treated a black man like this? Wrong as it is to refer to anyone in these terms, regardless of their race, the hyposcrisy is staggering.

White Man Awarded $150,000 in Racism Lawsuit

A federal jury awarded a white man $150,000 in a racial discrimination lawsuit Wednesday. Mark Pasternak, who is white, said he was dismissed from his state job helping troubled youths because he could not tolerate being called names like "cracker," "polack" and "stupid white boy."
A seven-member all-white jury found that Tommy Baines
, who is black, discriminated against Pasternak and created a hostile work environment.

"I'm elated and overwhelmed," Pasternak told The Buffalo News Wednesday. "I feel like I've been to hell and back ... After all these years, the best feeling is, the jury heard his story and mine, and they believed me."

Pasternak's attorney, David Seeger, said his client took abuse from Baines for three years while the two men worked with an agency formerly known as the state Division for Youth. The facility is no longer in operation.

Baines subjected Pasternak to race-based slurs, job sabotage and crude insults in front of co-workers, according to court papers and testimony.

Baines and his attorney, William Hites, did not return calls seeking comment.

According to court records, the state investigated the racial allegations in 1998. Baines was fined $2,000 for his conduct, but he was allowed to continue working as a supervisor.

Pasternak claimed he experienced to insomnia, anxiety and depression and had to take several medical leaves of absence because of the verbal abuse.

He was dismissed by the state in 1999. The state later offered Pasternak his job, but he said he turned it down because the state refused to guarantee he wouldn't be working under Baines again.

Brian Marchetti, a spokesman for the state office, had no immediate comment Wednesday.
"When I was growing up, I was always taught to stay away from racial slurs ... and epitaphs," Pasternak said. "This kind of conduct, from a supervisor who worked with kids, really bothered me."
